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时间:2010-11-22来源:作文地带整理栏目:英语训练作者:作文地带整理 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
作文地带整理范文 人教版高中英语选修9学案

文章细节:作文地带整理 发表时间:2010-11-22

1. lunge (n & v) 跃进;前冲
(1) He ~d at me with a knife.
(2) He made a ~ at me.
2. approximate (adj) 近似的;大概的
(v) 近似;接近;近于
(1) The cost will ~ $ 5,000,000.
(2) Your story only ~s to the real facts.
△ approximately (adv) 近似地;大约地
△ approximation (n) 接近
3. laughter [u]
laugh [c]
(1) He laughs best, who laughs last.
4. reality (n)
in ~ 实际上;事实上
in fact / as a matter of fact / in truth
5. adjustment (n) 调整,调节
(1) We made a few minor ~s to the plan.
6. tough (adj) 强硬的;困难的;粗暴的;不幸的;顽强的
    (adv) 顽强地
   be ~ with sb 对某人强硬 be tough on sb 对某人严厉
   as tough as old boots 非常硬;非常坚强
   △ toughen (v) 变强硬;变困难
   (1) The government has threatened to get ~ with people who try to avoid paying taxes.
   (2) The laws are ~ on offenders.
7. vomit [u] 呕吐物
    (v) 呕吐
   (1) He was ~ing blood.
   (2) The volcano ~ed out great black clouds of smoke.
   bring up ---(BrE) to vomit (one’s food)
   (3) He brought up his dinner.
8. unfit (adj) 不适宜的;不太健康的;不能胜任的
(1) She was ~ and couldn’t play in the big match.
(2) She is ~ for motherhood.
(3) He is ~ to hold public office.
9. fascinate (v) 使着迷;入迷
(1) I was ~d to see how skillfully the old craftsman worked.
(2) The students were ~d with / by his ideas.
10. spiritual (adj) 精神上的
spirit (n) 精神;心灵
spirits 烈性酒;情绪  in high / low spirits 情绪高涨/ 低落

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