Without Face-to-face
2014-07-19 07:46:52   来源:ztyzty1993   评论:0 双击单词自动翻译

Without Face-to-faceIn today& 39;s society, people are facing with a big problem that they perform everyday tasks only by themselves, without meeting each other face-to-fa
Without Face-to-face
In today's society, people are facing with a big problem that they perform everyday tasks only by themselves, without meeting each other face-to-face. The problem puzzled them, but what effects will be taken? I think it is worthy of being concluded by us.

On the one hand, the phenomenon will affect themselves, and people might not be aware of this. However, the effects are clear, one of which is that people's communication skills will be weakened. Also, it is difficult for them to make friends with others and cooperate with someone unknown. In some ways, lacking in communication will make us have a cold heart. What's more, the reliance between people will become less and less, which result in the crisis of reliance. Last but not least, people will become lazier to contact with others because of this.

On the other hand, the phenomenon will affect the whole society. It is obvious that the phenomenon will decrease lots of social ties. Moreover, the lack of communication will contribute to the lack of social integrity, which will also lead to the disharmony in society. Of course, society will lose its original function and public meanings. What should be especially referred to is that less cooperation means less social fortune, which will make our age reverse.

As far as I am concerned, we are supposed to perform everyday tasks with others and communicate with other people. Only in this way can we improve our abilities and live in the more harmonious society.

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