2014-07-13 14:27:54   来源:PAPER   评论:0 双击单词自动翻译

2014年巴西世界杯已经进入淘汰赛阶段了,大家在观看世界杯竞猜比赛的同时,也不要忘了学习英语。作文地带小编为大家整理了一篇2014世界杯英语作文 ,希望对大家有所帮助。
2014年巴西世界杯已经进入淘汰赛阶段了,大家在观看世界杯竞猜比赛的同时,也不要忘了学习英语。作文地带小编为大家整理了一篇2014世界杯英语作文 ,希望对大家有所帮助。

  The 2014 World Cup will be hold in .It is a grand occasion for all the football fans all over the world.My favorite team is the Spainish Team.And my favorite football star is Didier Yves Drogba Tébily.I hope the Chinese Team can do well in the World Cup.Because China has never won a World Cup before.This year I hope the situation will change.

  When the match begins,I hope I can watch it.But if I am busy studying then I will not watch it.Because study is always the first priority.I wish one day China can hold a World Cup,then our Chinese can watch the matches without going abroad.

  Maybe one day my dream can come true.




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