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通讯方式的变化 The Change of Communication Methods英语作文

时间:2012-11-04来源:作文地带栏目:网友投稿英语作文作者:作文地带整理 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
通讯方式的变化 The Change of Communication Methods
作文地带题目:通讯方式的变化 The Change of Communication Methods英语作文
文章细节:作文地带整理 标题:通讯方式的变化 The Change of Communication Methods英语作文 发表时间:2012-11-04 10:23:15

With the rapid development of science and technology, communication methods of people have changed a lot. In the long history of the past, people communicated with people who were far from them only by letters, which took a very long time to get the message. In the late 19thcentury, telephone was invented, but it was not widely used. Letter is still the main method. Later, telegraph came into being and was popular, which was much faster than letter, bringing great convenience to people. As time goes by, telephones become increasingly widely used. Now, the phones has been developed as mobile phone, fixed telephone, Internet telephone and other categories, being an essential communication tools in modern information society. In addition, network communication is popular as well. A great number of people communicate with others on the Internet, such as the chat room, bbs, MSN and so on. People can make video calls that not only can hear the sound, but also can see the people you talk to. In short, there are various communication methods in modern world, which bring great convenience to people.


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