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时间:2009-12-28来源:英语作文网栏目:网友投稿英语作文作者:英语作文 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
以下文章由joozone英语作文网收集,充分介绍了丽江黑龙潭的来历及美景,让您更加神往此处。希望对您写作有所帮助。谢谢。 黑龙潭,丽江旅游形象标志 丽江黑龙潭始建于清乾隆二年(1737年),乾隆赐题玉泉龙神,旧名玉泉龙王庙,因获清嘉庆、光绪两朝皇帝敕封龙神而得名





Watch Water and Overview the City

Black Dragon Pool Scenic Area is located at the foot of Elephant Mountain to the north of Lijiang Ancient Town . Two springs run from under the old nut trees at the foot of the mountain, gathering to a pool of about 40,000 square meters. With flourishing plants by the pool, pavilions in the park, bridges and pavilions over the water,and snow-covered mountain reflected in the water, the scenery here is very beautiful.
In the history, Black Dragon Pool was conferred the title of "God Dragon" by emperors for twice, becoming one of the famous springs of China. From time immemorial, Black Dragon Pool has always been the headwater of Lijiang Ancient Town and the fields and villanges in the south of the town, the life spring of the ancient town.
The crystal Yuhe River, running through the streets and alley ways, provides a reliable safeguard for the habitants' living, the cleaning of the streets and fire prevention of the ancient town, gives vigor and life to the simple and clean town and realizes the harmony between human and the nature.


Culuture Context Diversity Culture
     Commecial Tradition Misty Willows along Yu River

Bearing the 800-year cultural context, Black Dragon Pool is the cultural origin of Lijiang.
Black Dragon Pool connects the cultural context of Lijiang tours. You get to know the origin, past, current situation and future of Dongba culture; You can also enjoy the Taoist music of Naxi and experience the endless charm of Dongba culture.
As a port of the South Silk Road and an important town along the Tea and Horse Road, Lijiang has always been the main distribution center of the trade between Yunnan and Tibet. From the Tang and the Song Dynasty when the tea and horse market sprang up to the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, Naxi people of Lijiang has alwyas been the major force. Xinhua Street, the earliest street of Lijiang, paved with slate of different colors, is the earliest key road to and from Tibet. In the Reception Pavition, one can overview the whole town. For those businessmen lived by Black Dragong Pool and Yu River, both accommodation and transaction were very covenient.  When the businessmen cooked in early mornings, the cooking smoke all around gave rise to the splendid view of "Misty Willows along Yu River".



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