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时间:2010-09-03来源:英语作文投稿栏目:网友投稿英语作文作者:kgojty 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
习作原文 If you wish to become a better reader ,here are three important points to remember about rate ,or speed ,of reading . 1,Knowing why you arereading ?What you are reading to find out will often help you to know whether to read rapidly or slowly. 2,Some

If you wish to become a better reader ,here are three important points to remember about rate ,or speed ,of reading .

1,Knowing why you arereading ?What you are reading to find out will often help you to know whether to read rapidly or slowly.

2,Some things should be read rapidly throught .Examples are simple stories meant for enjoyment, news ,letters from friends ,items ,or bits of neews from local ,or hometown ,paper , telling what is happening to friends and neighbours.

3,And when you go along ,you could read slowly and carefully ,and when you very busy ,you could read rapidly.

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1.here are three important points to remember about rate ,or speed ,of reading . 本句话在表达上可以简练些,作者请参考:here are three important points about reading spead .

2.对于三个阅读建议,国外人,一般采用如下关联词:first, second ,third,或者firstly, secondly,lastly,等等,一般很少像中国人表达时采用阿拉伯数字放在句首。

3.Knowing why you arereading ?What you are reading to find out will often help you to know whether to read rapidly or slowly.这两句话采用了现在分词的形式,我觉得不是很妥当,改为下面的句子请作者参考: why do you read and what do you read for will decide whether to read rapidly or slowly.

4.Some things should be read rapidly throught . some things是一个中国式的表达,直接用something就可以了。

5.Examples are simple stories meant for enjoyment, news ,letters from friends ,items ,or bits of neews from local ,or hometown ,paper , telling what is happening to friends and neighbours. 对于本句话,建议作者把它分拆成若干小句子来表达,读起来文章会显得流畅些。

6.3,And when you go along ,you could read slowly and carefully ,and when you very busy ,you could read rapidly. 句中紫色处,you后面应该加are。另外,后面讲当你忙碌时,就可以读的很快,前面与之对应,应该是不忙时,可以慢慢仔细的阅读,when you go along表达的不是这个意思,可以改为when you are in spare time,或者干脆就用when you are not busy.


1.here are three important points about reading spead .

2.why do you read and what do you read for will decide whether to read rapidly or slowly.
3.When you are in spare time,you could read slowly and carefully ,and when you are very busy ,you could read rapidly.

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