
【#英语资源# 摘要】小年,通常指扫尘、祭灶的日子,被视为“忙年”的开始。由于南北各地风俗不同,被称为“小年”的日子也不尽相同。民间传统上的小年(扫尘、祭灶日)是腊月二十四,南方大部分地区,仍然保持着腊月二十四过小年的传统。以下是:作文地带为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  The Spring Festival in my hometown is the beginning of the small year on the 23rd day of the twelfth month. As the children's song goes: "Twenty-three, after offering the stove, the children clapped and laughed. In five or six days, the New Year will come." This reflects the mood of children looking forward to the Spring Festival.

  My grandma said that after dark on the 23rd day of the 12th lunar month, the Kitchen God would go up to heaven to report his work to the Jade Emperor for the year. Who eat lazy, who sister-in-law discord, which unfilial old man, who do bad things to report one by one, December 30 morning to return to the world, will be according to the will of the jade Emperor world reward and punishment. So people worship the Kitchen God with reverence and devotion.

  Early in the morning, grandma got up to work. First, a sacrificial table was placed in the kitchen, and the picture of the kitchen kitchen king, which had already been bought, was pasted on the wall behind the sacrificial table. Then, the couplet was pasted with the words "Heaven says good things" on the top, "The lower boundary guarantees peace" on the bottom, and the words "The head of the family" on the horizontal. On the table are sweet melon, wine, vegetables, incense, beside some also tied paper horses and hay. I asked Grandma what the paper horse and hay were for. Grandma said, the horse is the seat of the Kitchen God, to let the horse eat and drink enough to heaven. I said with a smile, after a plane, the plane is faster than the horse, grandma listened to laugh. After a while grandma turned around and said to everyone, today only say lucky words.

  When it was getting dark, grandma called the family to the kitchen, first on a bowl of hot dumplings, and then to the kitchen God in the kitchen wall toasting incense, grandma also mumbling. Then take the paper horse and fodder for the cattle and the couplets of the kitchen God's portrait to the courtyard and burn them together, as well as incense and paper. After finishing these, the whole family knock three times according to the old and the young respectively, and then go back to the house to eat. Before the meal, grandma also cut pieces of sweet melon to everyone, the staple food for dinner is naturally dumplings, so I also understand why our local family go out to eat dumplings.

  To tell the truth, I was vaguely familiar with the customs of my hometown, but somehow I never generalized him to superstition, and never felt antipathy.


  Today is the "Xiao Nian" of the lunar calendar, the day when the "old Zao God" is honored. We ate sesame candy and went shopping.

  The supermarket is a sea of people, everyone in the carefully selected goods. In everyone's face, are permeated with a happy expression, everywhere is full of thick flavor.

  While EATING the sesame sugar, I asked, "Dad, why do you want to eat sesame sugar on this day as a sacrifice to the old Zao God?"

  "It's a folklore. There used to be two brothers. The elder brother was an expert at cooking stove, and the younger brother was a painter. They are very capable, and understanding, the village people in the family conflict to turn to them. Several years passed, and my brother died of illness. And their family because of the division of the brother's property relations make very bad. He painted a picture of his elder brother and put it up in the kitchen. He said to his family, 'Stop quarrelling. My elder brother told me about his dream and he wanted to come down to check on it. 'And they did." Dad paused for a moment and then said, "From now on, people ask younger brothers to draw their older brothers' pictures. The picture was pasted up in the house. Later, I gradually became the 'Old kitchen Master'."

  Her mother smiled again and said, "It is said that every year on this day, Mr. Zao will go to heaven to report the good and bad of each family. As for the sesame candy, it's because people want it to stick to Lao Zao's teeth so he won't speak ill of himself in front of the Jade Emperor." I listened with relish, the original off-year has so much knowledge!

  We went out of the supermarket, the snow outside, although very small, but floating to the face of ice ice, very comfortable. Small snowflakes, in this busy street, and add a trace of thick meaning.


  Yesterday was the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month. There is a legend in my hometown. It is probably that yesterday was the day when the kitchen God went to heaven to report on the year's events. In order to let the Kitchen God only say good things, our hometown on this day to eat dumplings and candy corn. Because dumplings need to pack, is equal to the "kitchen God" mouth sealed, only let him god said good not bad. The candy corn is to sweeten his mouth, but actually to get him to say good things.

  Yesterday my mother and I went to the Rainbow supermarket to buy dumplings and dumplings of the face. We got cantaloupes and eggs, because I'm going with the vegetarian ones. Finally I bought a bag of flour.

  Back home, my mother put the face and good, and the face with a knife cut a piece of a piece of let me press the cake. I press, so soft ah! So I asked my mother: "Why is the face so soft? "Remember, soft dumplings, hard noodles. The noodles of dumplings should be soft." Mother said. I finished the pastry, my mother rolled the pastry, the pastry became thin, and then my mother taught me to make dumplings. Because it is my first time to make dumplings, so my mother let me put less stuffing, and then the middle of the dough folded and pinched, and then the other parts of the dough pinched, do not reveal stuffing, a dumpling is completed. Several of my bags are "thin and long", and my mother's bag is short and chubby. I asked my mother: "Why my package is thin and long, not your package good-looking?" "Everyone is not born to do things and can do well, you pack a few times on the beautiful package."

  After making dumplings, we take them to cook. "Dinner's ready! Mother said. We brought up the dumplings and ate them. It tastes really good! Especially my bag, I feel more "delicious" ah! What a happy day yesterday!


  Today is the 23rd year of the twelfth lunar month, which is also the traditional festival of sacrificing kitchens. In the morning, I got up and saw my mother had gone to work. Oh, today my mother's company will finally put on the holiday, my mother can stay at home with me every day, I am so happy. I quickly dressed and went to the living room for dinner. After lunch I can't wait to urge my father to go to the company to pick up my mother.

  In the afternoon, I went shopping with my mother to grandma's house. There was a steady flow of traffic on the road and everyone was beaming. We saw a lot of Spring Festival couplets, door paintings and various New Year decorations, as well as a lot of stands selling sesame sugar and hemp flowers. At my grandma's house, grandma told me the story of sacrificing the kitchen King: Legend has it that the jade emperor in each sent a supervisor - kitchen, this study to oversee a year, or do the twelfth month this day, it will report to the jade emperor in heaven, the jade emperor decided next year according to the report is about the reward or punishment, the second year of kitchen and come back continue to monitor the work. The festival is actually a time for families to bid farewell to the Kitchen god.

  When sending the Kitchen God, people put candy, water, beans and clover on the table in front of the image of the kitchen King. The last three were for the mounts of the king of the oven. At the time of offering sacrifice to the cooker, sesame sugar was melted and put on the mouth of the king of the cooker, so that he could not speak ill of the Jade Emperor.

  Nowadays, fewer and fewer people worship the kitchen, but the custom of eating sesame sugar during the Off-year is still popular among the people.

  Coming back from grandma's house, I said to my mother, "Let's also hurry to buy sesame sugar to go home to worship the kitchen."


  Today is xiao Nian, our family went to the countryside grandma's home. I slept about 9:30, was forced to get up by mom and dad, there is no way, time waits for no one, I had to reluctantly get up to wear clothes. When I finished breakfast, it was almost half past ten, my mother still have things in the morning, to return to the countryside in the afternoon, so my father and I started first.

  Because it was New Year's Eve, there were a lot of cars on the road, and there was a traffic accident on the viaduct, which affected our speed. When we arrived in the countryside, we were ready to have dinner. I also took a small bag, which contains my beloved shuttlecock and computer, everyone said I good air.

  This time we had a meal at a small restaurant far away, which seemed to be called Xinglong Restaurant. We went east and ate at pudong Hotel near the bridge. Although the restaurant was a bit small, the food was good and more to my liking. Half of the meal, I think shoes are not good-looking, pestering mother to buy a pair for me, and finally I go with my aunt.

  We went to a shoe shop on Huangdai Street, where there were many beautiful boots, divided into high heel and flat heel two categories, I walked to the flat heel shoe section, began to carefully select my favorite shoes. But my aunt and I took a fancy to several pairs of shoes are not my size, is not beautiful, is sold out, and finally we had to buy a pair of yellow boots, the style is very good, but the color is too strange. The shoes were pretty expensive. I forgot the original price, but they cost 109 yuan at a discount of 5.5 percent. I think they should have cost about 200 yuan.

  And so on to buy good shoes, I came to my sister's house to play, brother, sister are in. One afternoon I kept playing, while watching TV, while playing tablet computer, while playing LCD computer, while playing PSP. Unconsciously, it was time to eat dinner, we packed up things to the front of the dinner.

  At night I live in the countryside, mom and dad are going to activities, no one tube I have to do so, anyway, I have to come down tomorrow!


  January 23 "little Year" this day, I can really happy and full ah! In the morning, mom and dad took me to visit the magnificent Palace Museum; In the afternoon, I spent a happy time in the ice kingdom by the Bird's Nest. Let me share it with you!

  The Palace Museum is also called the Forbidden City, and this is my first time to enter this mysterious palace where 24 Emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties lived. I with a strong curiosity and recall the glory days to read past resplendent and magnificent temple, through themselves jade the steps of the build by laying bricks or stones becomes, touch solution carefully carved nanmu window frame, heard a series of sensitized palace story, reminiscent of the holiday before seen documentary "Palace Museum", the history as if will emerge in front of my eyes, I seem to have become a character in the story, back to 600 years ago, there is a kind of immersive feeling.

  There are so many treasures in the Forbidden City! There are the large dragon chair high above, there are beautiful jewelry boxes, there are gold water tanks used to put out fires, and there are black gold bricks that are warm in winter and cool in summer. But among these treasures, the one that impressed me most was the plaque "Yun Zhu Jue Zhong" in Zhonghe Hall. It means "integrity, persistence, mastery, moderation". This is the qianlong Emperor personally kicked his children and grandchildren to cultivate morality, state affairs, peace of the world. I think this plaque still has a profound educational significance for us today. To be a person who is capable of handling people should be the direction of young people's efforts.

  The happiest part of skiing in the afternoon is of course the rapid descent from the high snow slide. The cool wind whistled across my face, my hair flying everywhere, I shouted to my heart's content, like a free bird, very happy. There is joy and there is difficulty. The hardest part was pulling the heavy snow up the slippery trail. I fell down several times, but I did not give up, did not ask my father to help, completely rely on their own persistence, bravely boarded the snow slide. Sliding down, mother concerns asked: "baby, the fall is not painful, tired of climbing not tired?" I raised red face, proudly answered: "no pain, no hard pay how to enjoy the joy of success?"

  The visit in the morning let me taste the history and broaden my horizon; The game in the afternoon made me relax and laugh, it was really a happy day!


  Today is the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, which is the "little New Year" in our traditional festivals. In order to celebrate this important festival, mom and dad specially decided to make dumplings with our family.

  When it comes to making dumplings, I am in high spirits! Do you know why that is? This, not only because I like to eat dumplings, but also because I want to take this opportunity to learn a new skill - dumplings! Look, a family make dumplings lively? Dad "dangdang" chopped stuffing, mother patiently and carefully dough. As for me, I will do some spring onion first, ladle water... These simple tasks.

  After some hectic preparation work, soon, dad made the stuffing, the fragrance of the stuffing immediately filled the whole house. Mother also do not show weakness, the half pot of dry dry flour knead into a smooth and delicate, soft and hard moderate "plasticine". I, also finally began an important work: I carefully picked up the dough, and then put some dumpling stuffing on it, learn to look like my parents, left a pinch, right a pinch, a dumpling was "born" in my hands. At the beginning, the appearance is really not very good, some crooked, some is completely a semicircle no "belly" cake, and stuffing also * exposed outside it! But mom and dad didn't blame me. On the contrary, with the encouragement of my parents, I made dumplings more and more like: dumplings "belly" drum up, dumplings "body" stand up, and I also learn to pinch the beautiful lace! Mom and dad have always praised my ingenuity!

  My parents and I while making dumplings, while saying and laughing, soon finished the dumplings.

  When a plate of delicious dumplings on the table, the family is happy to enjoy the work together to create food, the feeling does not mention how happy! There is an important point: I feel this year's "little Year" is particularly meaningful, because I learned a new ability - dumplings.


  Today is New Year's Eve, I will go to grandma's house in the countryside. I slept about 9:30, was forced to get up by mom and dad, there is no way, time waits for no one, I had to reluctantly get up to wear clothes. When I finished breakfast, it was almost half past ten, my mother still have things in the morning, to return to the countryside in the afternoon, so my father and I started first.

  Because it was New Year's Eve, there were a lot of cars on the road, and there was a traffic accident on the viaduct, which affected our speed. When we got to the countryside, we were ready to have dinner. I also took a small bag, which contains my beloved shuttlecock and computer, everyone said I good air.

  This time we went to a different place from the previous ones. We went east and ate at the Pudong Hotel near the bridge, but this time we went west and ate at a small restaurant far away, like Xinglong Restaurant. Although the restaurant was small, the food was good and more to my taste. Half of the meal, I think shoes are not good-looking, pestering mother to buy a pair for me, and finally I go with my aunt.

  We went to a shoe shop on Huangdai Street, where there were many beautiful boots, divided into high heel and flat heel two categories, I walked to the flat heel shoe section, began to carefully select my favorite shoes. But my aunt and I took a fancy to several pairs of shoes are not my size, is not beautiful, is sold out, and finally we had to buy a pair of yellow boots, the style is very good, but the color is too strange. The shoes were pretty expensive. I forgot the original price, but they cost 109 yuan at a discount of 5.5 percent. I think they should have cost about 200 yuan.

  And so on to buy good shoes, I came to my sister's house to play, brother, sister are in. One afternoon I kept playing, while watching TV, while playing tablet computer, while playing LCD computer, while playing PSP. Imperceptibly, it was time to eat dinner, we packed up my things to eat in front.

  In the evening I live in the countryside, mom and dad are going to activities, no one tube I have to do so, anyway, I have to come down tomorrow.


  Today is the 23rd year of the twelfth lunar month. We need to clean the house. In the morning, my family gets up early. After dinner, my mother went to grandma's house to help, there was only me and my father at home. Dad began to sweep the house. He tied a towel on his head, and saw my father for a while with a rag to wipe the door, a broom to sweep the floor, and soon my father was sweating. I looked at my father hard, very distressed, so to help my father to clean the window in the living room.

  I first washed a cloth, then climbed the ladder, the window up and down, left and right to wipe a couple of times, but the window left a lot of small hair, and a big face. I repeatedly wiped several times, did not wipe clean but more and more dirty. Frustrated, I said, "What the hell is this glass? How to rub more dirty? Is there something wrong with the glass? Dad saw me in a mess, can not help laughing. Said: "son, don't be impatient, you look at your rag what is wrong?" I stared at the glass in the window and looked, oh! I suddenly realized, the original is I did not screw clean cloth, water and drop on the glass, you can not dirty? After I wring the rag dry, I wiped it again, and there were a lot of clean glass. Dad said, "Try wiping it again with a dry cloth and see how it looks." I took the dry rag, and then wiped it again, and sure enough, the wool and big face on the rag disappeared. After a whole day of hard work, my father and I cleaned the Windows at home bright and clean, so that people look very comfortable.

  Today, I not only learned a housework, but also know that I have chosen a thing to do, to do it.


  Xiao Nian, or the 23rd day of the 12th month of the lunar calendar, is a festival for offering sacrifices to the Kitchen God. It is the beginning and foreshadowing of the whole Spring Festival celebration. There are two main activities: sweeping the New Year and offering sacrifices to the kitchen. In addition, there is the custom of eating kitchen sugar, some places have to eat fire, sugar cake, cake, drink tofu soup. Today is xiaonian, a step into today, the atmosphere of Chinese New Year is some obvious.

  On this day, the sound of firecrackers is always in my ears. In the evening, the firecrackers became louder and louder. My home is no exception, my father and I took firecrackers to the floor, I volunteered to point gun, man, this little thing can not be solved? Real ignition, I suddenly tense up, my heart pounding, I put off firecrackers on the ground, at this moment, I suddenly thought of my pocket has a pair of gloves, I can bring gloves, this is a good idea, firecrackers hurt less than I, when close to fire guns lay my hand shaking up, my eyes stared at the fire. "Yi", firecrackers have lit, I hurriedly hide to the side, my home firecrackers also joined the union of firecrackers. In the dark sky, colorful fireworks make this monotonous "black screen" rich and colorful.

  Xiao Nian is so interesting!

本文地址: http://www.joozone.com/m/tg/116306.html

