英语作文:我房间的颜色The Colours of My Room

英语作文的输出需要大量的积累、不断的练习,期间模仿的重要性不可小觑。以下是小编整理的关于小学英语作文:我房间的颜色The Colours of My Room的资料,希望对你有所帮助!

here are many colours in my room. My door is white, my bed is pink, my desk is brown, and my chair is brown too. I have a blackboard and many chalks. The blackboard is black, the colours of chalks are blue, green, yellow and red. My room is colourful, I like my room very much.  我的房间有很多种颜色。我的门是白色的,我的床是粉色的,我的桌子是棕色的,我的椅子也是棕色的。我有一块黑板和很多粉笔。黑板是黑色的,粉笔的颜色有蓝色、绿色、黄色和红色。我的房间是彩色的,我非常喜欢我的房间。

本文地址: http://www.joozone.com/m/tg/116049.html

英语作文:我房间的颜色The Colours of My Room
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