

【#英语资源# 摘要】新春的气息在空中弥漫,新年的味道在人海蔓延,快乐的笑容在脸上绽放,幸福的感觉在脑海浮现,甜蜜的爱情已经注定,美好的生活近在眼前,短信送上最深的祝愿,愿你春节快乐,开心到永远!®作文地带整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Legend has it that in ancient times, there is a fierce monster called "nian", all the year round in the deep sea, but on the turn of the new and old, it will spoil crops, harm people and livestock, people complain. Once it ran to the village to do evil, was a door drying red clothes scared away. At another place, frightened by lights, firelight and sound, he ran away.

  So people mastered "nian" afraid of sound, afraid of red, afraid of fire weakness. Every year to the end of the first year, people on the door to stick red couplets, firecrackers, red lights, burning firewood in the yard, near the fire, with a kitchen knife to chop meat, the sound of the "year" scared fled back to the sea, no longer harm people and livestock. Over time, it has become a variety of customs of the Spring Festival.

  On the first day of the New Year, relatives and friends visit each other to congratulate them on not being hurt by the "year" and escaping the "year" of this difficulty, so the "Chinese New Year" is also known as the "year pass", which is the origin of the New Year.


  In modern folk custom, the Spring Festival is also called the Chinese New Year. Actually, the origin of Nian and Spring Festival is very different.

  So how does "year" come about? Folk there are two main arguments: one is that, in ancient times, there is a fierce monster called "nian", every month to the twelfth lunar month 30, then channeling village door to door, foraging for human flesh, killing the living. On the thirtieth night of the twelfth lunar month, Nian arrived at a village where two shepherd boys were having a bullwhip contest. "Suddenly heard in the air sounded the crack of whip, scared to flee. It fled to another village, and looked up to a door basked in a big red clothes, it did not know what it was, scared quickly turned to escape. Later it came to a village, a look at the door of a person, I saw the brilliant lights inside, thorn it dazed, had to slip away with his tail. People thus touch the "year" is afraid of ring, afraid of red, afraid of light weakness, they think of many ways to resist it, so gradually evolved into the custom of today's New Year.

  Another view is that the ancient Chinese calligraphy put the word "year" in the wo department to show good weather and good harvest. Because cereal grain is generally a ripe year. So the "year" was extended to the name of the year.

  Although China's ancient folk already had the custom of the Spring Festival, but it was not called the Spring Festival. At that time, the Spring Festival refers to the "beginning of Spring" in the 24 solar terms.

  The Northern and Southern Dynasties generally refer to the Spring Festival as the whole spring. It is said that the lunar New Year was officially named the Spring Festival after the 1911 Revolution. Because at that time to switch to the Gregorian calendar, in order to distinguish agriculture, Yang two festival, so had to change the name of the first lunar month to "Spring Festival".


  Every Spring Festival, whether urban or rural, every family will select a red Spring Festival couplet to paste on the door, for the festival to increase the festive atmosphere. Yu Yafei "welcome the New Year" said: "happy linmen red yan, every family paste Spring Festival couplets; The old year bids farewell to the new, and the wheels of the sequential wheel always move forward." When the Spring Festival couplets are pasted on the doorstep, it means that the Spring Festival officially began. There are many kinds of Spring Festival couplets. According to their use places, they can be divided into doors, frames, hengpi, chuntiao, doufang, etc. "Door heart" is attached to the center of the upper end of the door panel; "Frame pair" affixed to the left and right two door frames; "Hengpi" attached to the door mei on the crossbar; "Chuntiao" according to different content, posted in the corresponding place; "Dou Jin" is also called "door leaf", for the square diamond, mostly stuck in the furniture, screen wall. Usually, Spring Festival couplets are two direct couplets, and the last word of each couplet has a different tone and rhyme. The right way to paste is to paste the left side and to paste the right side.


  Paper-cuts in the folk people also like to paste on the Windows of various paper-cuts, paper-cuts. Paper-cuts not only set off the festive atmosphere, but also set decoration, appreciation and practicality in one. Paper-cut with its unique generalization and exaggeration will auspicious auspicious things, good wishes to show incisively and vividly.


  Pasting Spring Festival couplets at the same time, pasting the word "fu" during the Spring Festival is also a long-standing Chinese folk custom. The word "fu" refers to good fortune and good fortune, which expresses people's yearning for a happy life and wishes for a better future. In order to more fully reflect this aspiration and wish. Folk will be "fu" word fine trace made of various patterns, patterns of longevity, longevity peach, carp jump longmen, grain fengdeng, Longfeng Chengxiang, etc..

  Inverted paste the word "fu", take its "down" and "to" homonym, meaning "to". There is such a saying in traditional folk customs, but not all "fu" should be pasted in this way, especially on the door panel.

  The inverted "fu" character is mainly in two places: one place is on the water tank and the soil box (i.e. the dustbin), because these two things to be poured out from inside. In order to avoid pouring the blessing of the family, they skillfully use "pour" homophonic word "to", inverted paste the blessing word. "Happiness" is used to offset "happiness", to express the yearning and pursuit of a better life. The other place is on a cabinet inside the house. A cupboard is a place where things are kept. The Chinese character "fu" is pasted upside down, indicating that good fortune (which is also wealth) comes into our homes, houses and cabinets. As for the "fu" on the door, it has always been pasted. The "fu" on the door has the meaning of "welcome blessing" and "na fu", and the door is the entrance and exit of the family, a solemn and respectful place, the "fu" must be solemn, dignified and generous, so it should be posted.


  New Year pictures are an ancient folk art, reflecting the simple customs and beliefs of the people and expressing their hopes for the future. New Year pictures, like Spring Festival couplets, originated from door gods. As the board to the rise of the printing press, the content of the New Year pictures has not only confined to the goalkeeper such as monotonous theme, become rich and colorful, in some pictures in the workshop produced "fu lu shou three map", "cheongwan blessing", "good harvest", "animals prosperity", "chun connect blessing" and so on classical color pictures, in order to satisfy people's dream of praying to the happiness.

  Nowadays, the earliest Chinese New Year paintings collected in the Southern Song Dynasty are the woodcut New Year paintings of wang Zhaojun, Zhao Feiyan, Banji and Green Pearl, four ancient beauties. The most widespread folk is a picture of the Mouse's Marriage. Depicts the mouse in accordance with the human custom to marry the bride interesting scene. In the early years of the Republic of China, Zheng Mantuo in Shanghai combined the lunar calendar and New Year's pictures, which developed into a wall calendar.


  Traditional festivals come from the long-term accumulation of a country's history and culture. There are many traditional Festivals in China, and each festival has its own form of celebration and rich content, which all belong to a small part of the long history and culture of the Chinese nation. The Traditional festival of the Spring Festival is also developed from ancient times, from the spread of the festival customs, but also can clearly see the wonderful picture of ancient people's social life.

  There are many customs of the Spring Festival: dust, Spring Festival couplets, firecrackers, New Year's Eve dinner, shousui...... But due to different regions, different ethnic groups, Spring Festival customs will be different. However, no matter where you are, the customs of Spring Festival mean the same -- wishing you happiness and family happiness in the New Year.

  My family's custom of celebrating the Spring Festival is the same as that of most southerners. A few days before the Chinese New Year, our family will be busy together on the busy cleaning, clean the home bright and clean, spotless. Because according to the folk saying "dust" and "Chen" homophonic, spring dust sweep has the meaning of "dust cloth new", its intention is to all the "poor luck", "bad luck" all sweep out. This custom places people old old new wishes and pray for a New Year. So everyone in our family has a force, the purpose is to make the New Year in the home bonanza, plain sailing.

  At the same time, mom and dad from the Internet, supermarkets, markets and other places to hit the New Year goods, to buy: all kinds of drinks, milk drinks, vegetables and fruits, chicken, duck, fish, dried fruit groceries... Fill up your locker at home. Even grandma, who never liked to snack, took a packet of cookies from her locker and put them in her room.

  In the New Year's Day, our family is also busy busy pasting Spring Festival couplets, stick New Year pictures, set off firecrackers... Busy as a lark. Although a little tired, but everyone's heart is happy to open flowers, face is also permeated with a happy smile.

  And what makes me a foodie is nothing more than the reunion dinner on the eve of Chinese New Year. This family reunion dinner grandparents cooked a lot of dishes: winter bamboo shoots fried kidney, stewed chicken, mutton hot pot, steamed salmon... Every dish is so rich, every dish is so delicious, every dish is so delicious, it is mouth-watering, people can't help but want to taste. At the time of the meal, I had a drink with my family, and the family sat together. The house was filled with happiness and warmth. After dinner, the adults gave me New Year's money, I was happy from ear to ear.

  Looking at the family Spring Festival, I can not help but think of the song Dynasty poet Wang Anshi wrote the ancient quatrains "firecrackers in New Year's Eve, the spring breeze to send warmth into the Tu Su. Thousands of doors pupil day, always the new peach for the old symbol." I wish I could have the Spring Festival in my life, every day is the New Year.


  In ancient times, if there were too many neighbors and it was difficult for them to visit each other everywhere, they would send their servants to pay New Year's greetings with their business cards, known as "flying post". Each family would stick a red paper bag in front of the door, with the words "receive blessing" written on it, which would be used for releasing posts. This custom began in the upper class of the Song Dynasty.

  The People of the Song Dynasty paid New Year's greetings with famous thorns. Zhou Hui said in The Qingbo Magazine, "During the Yuanyou period of the Song Dynasty, domestic servants were often used to carry famous thorns to celebrate the New Year." At that time, scholars and officials had a wide circle of friends, so it would take time and energy to pay New Year's greetings everywhere. Therefore, some of the friends who were not close to each other did not go personally, but sent servants to take a note of plum blossom paper cut into two inches wide, three inches long, which wrote the congratulatory name, address and words of the card to pay New Year's greetings.

  In the Ming Dynasty, people paid respects instead of paying New Year's greetings. Ming Dynasty outstanding painter, poet Wen Zheng Ming in the "New Year" poem described: "do not meet but through ye, paper full cover lu; I also throw paper with others, the world hate too simple not too empty." The "mingci" and "Mingye" mentioned here are the origin of the present Greeting card.

  Qing dynasty "Yan Tai monthly order" describes Beijing festival: "is the month also, film fly, empty car walk". Become fashionable. There were four virtual visitors on the front page. One was the venerable Old Man, who lived in the old lane. One day Master Fuyu lived in Yuanbao Street. One day your wuji adults, live in the undergraduate memorial arch; One day Fu Zhaolin master, living in the Five fu Building. For the sake of good luck.

  Up to now, the Spring Festival presents New Year's cards and New Year's cards, which is the legacy of sending each other flying posts in ancient times. New Year cards are still popular today as they are convenient and practical for connecting feelings and sending greetings. Greeting cards, good affection, sincere blessing are included in the inside, so simple and practical things, why not?

  With the development of The Times, the custom of paying New Year's greetings is also adding new content and forms. Now people in addition to follow the previous way, and the rise of etiquette telegram New Year, telephone New Year and network New Year, mobile phone SMS New Year.


  Chinese New Year, every family is beaming, decorated, our family is no exception.

  On New Year's Eve, I came to grandma's house with my parents. In the morning, there are always "kuang" and "ding" sound in the streets. I was very strange to ask my sister: "sister, so many people are doing?" Sister smiled, but did not speak, so I made all my strength to squeeze into the crowd, there was a pair of horse and horse are dragon lantern dance. The aunts and uncles, dressed neatly in white and red trousers, hold onto the dragon lantern, which swings undulating, accompanied by the sound of gongs and drums. They're walking down every street praying for people. At this time, we followed the team to the river, they are around the river of the big ship, pray for prosperity. When the dragon lantern was over, we listened to the distant sound of drums and gongs and watched the shadowy figure.

  In the evening, our family sat on benches and ate the reunion dinner. After dinner, we stood on the balcony upstairs and watched the fireworks downstairs. The first flower basket, flower basket is composed of six round holes, the first "Z" spray sparks, suddenly "bang" flew into the sky, exploded into a lot of colorful sparks, so spray six times, as if for people blessing it! Sister feel good, can't wait to pick up the king of the butterfly, sister quickly lit, caught in the hand, "flapping", fireworks to a light butterfly, dancing in the sky, finally "pa" sound, divided into many sparks, in the sky slowly, gently, falling to the ground. I took out a gold full hall, in hand, "bang", "bang", ten guns, resounding through the night sky, symbolizing our good luck and happiness.

  The sky is getting dark, our family to the room happily looking at the Spring Festival party, talking and laughing, what a happy Spring Festival!


  Every year the Spring Festival everyone should put fireworks, the colorful fireworks like a beautiful flower, the crackling firecrackers like rolling spring thunder.

  On New Year's Eve, my brother and sister and I put fireworks on the open square downstairs. Brother took out a bottle of fireworks, fireworks like a silver rose to the clouds. Then in the dark blue night sky, blooming beautiful smiling face, like a spectacular meteor shower scattered down, such as the picture. I took out a bundle of hand-waving flowers, with a lighter slowly close, a few seconds later, the top zi colorful flowers, I took a stick in the air scribble graffiti, suddenly, smoke everywhere, as the fairy silver yarn.

  Then, all kinds of fireworks one after another. Some like a scurrying caterpillar; Some are like the umbrellas people use in rainy days; Some are like rockets soaring into the sky; Some are like flowers in full bloom... The silent night sky suddenly filled with laughter and colorful, into a large garden. Fireworks sound deafening, resounding, sometimes like thunder spring, sometimes like lightning across the night sky.

  Finally, we put a hang of 1000 firecrackers, listening to the crackling sound, I seem to see: our great motherland tomorrow more beautiful. Looking at the night sky bright and beautiful, such as flower beds, such as pictures, such as spring fields......

本文地址: http://www.joozone.com/m/tg/115660.html

