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Building a Paper Factory 兴建造纸厂

时间:2012-10-27来源:作文地带栏目:英文素材作者:作文地带整理 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
初中英语作文,初二英语作文:Building a Paper Factory 兴建造纸厂
作文地带范文: Building a Paper Factory 兴建造纸厂 初中英语作文,初二英语作文:Building a Paper Factory 兴建造纸厂

正文内容如下:Building a Paper Factory 兴建造纸厂

  A British company wants to build a paper factory in our city. But opinions are different on that issue. Some agree that we should build the paper factory. Ifwe do so, many new jobs can be created tbr local people, which will surely push the development of the city’s economy. What’ s more, the factory will bring in modern ideas of management and new machines, including equipment for protecting the environment.

  On the other hand, others insist on not having it built in the city, They are worrying about the pollution most. They believe that the factory will produce noises which will disturb people’ s peaceful life. Besides, poisonous gas from the thctory will dirty the air we breathe. The river will also be polluted by the waste water from the factory.

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