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The Little Match Girl 卖火柴的小女孩

时间:2010-08-07来源:少儿英语学习栏目:少儿英语作者:少儿英语 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
The Little Match Girl 卖火柴的小女孩 Over in a corner of the street, she sat down and huddled together; she had drawn her little legs up under her, but she felt more frozen than ever, and she dared not go home, for she sold no matches and hadn’t got a single pen

The Little Match Girl 卖火柴的小女孩
Over in a corner of the street, she sat down and huddled together; she had drawn her little legs up under her, but she felt more frozen than ever, and she dared not go home, for she sold no matches and hadn’t got a single penny, and her father would beat her. Besides, it was cold at home, too: there was only the roof over them, and the wind whistled in, although the biggest cracks had been stopped up with straw and rags. Her little hands were almost dead with cold. Ah, a little match might do some good!


If she only dared pull one out of the bundle, strike it on the wall, and warm her fingers! She drew one out --- whoosh! --- How it spluttered! How it burnt! It gave a warm bright flame, just like a little candle, when she held her hand around it. It was a wonderful light: the fire was burning so cheerfully and its warmth was so comforting --- oh, what was that! The little girl had just stretched her feet out to warm them, too, when --- the fire went out! The stove disappeared --- and she was sitting there with the little stump of a burnt --- out match in her hand.


Another match was struck; it burnt and flared, and where the little fell upon it, the wall became transparent like gauze; she could see right into the room where the table stood covered with a shining white cloth and set with fine china. Then the match went out, and there was nothing to see but the thick cold wall.


She struck yet another. And then she was sitting beneath the loveliest Christmas tree. Thousands of candles were burning on its green branches, and gaily colored pictures. The little girl stretched out both her hands --- and then the match went out; the different kinds of Christmas candles rose higher and higher, and now she saw they were the bright stars --- one of them fell and made a long streak of fire across the sky.


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