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2014-07-13 22:08:03   来源:英语作文    双击单词自动翻译

2009年考研英语大作文网络的近与远;网络让人们陶醉在这个虚拟的空间里,人与人之间的空间距离 看似缩小了,但是由于人与人之间的联系是通过电脑进行的,人们很少外出,因此实际上人们之间面对面的交流却随之更少了。尤其通过下面的文字提示:网络的 “近”与“远”

图画作文往往是一张抽象而意味深长的图片或漫画,有时让人很难理解。今年的图画只有一张图,但主题明显直接。许多人都坐在一个个狭小的空间里,在电脑面前上 网聊天,虽然近在咫尺,却看似相隔很远。大量的人和一台台计算机组合在一起就像一张蜘蛛网(即互联网)。图画的文字暗示也非常明显,网络把不同地区的人们 连接在一起,这是网络带给人们的好处,但我们还应该更注意到网络带给我们不利的一面,也就是说,网络让人们陶醉在这个虚拟的空间里,人与人之间的空间距离 看似缩小了,但是由于人与人之间的联系是通过电脑进行的,人们很少外出,因此实际上人们之间面对面的交流却随之更少了。尤其通过下面的文字提示:网络的 “近”与“远”,这几个汉字提醒我们网络即拉近了人们之间的距离,但又使得人与人之间的关系变得疏远、甚至冷漠。总的说来,可以谈谈网络的与弊,但应该多 说说网络的弊端。

  网络的 “近”与“远”范文一:

  The past decade has witnessed an increasingly inseparable relationship between man and Internet. As is vividly depicted in the picture, within a stretching spider web many people are surfing on line, either to entertain themselves or to meet the work's needs.Actually on-line visiting has become a routine activity in our everyday life.However, it seems rather ironic to present people separated from each other by the spider web when they attempt to communicate.

  The metaphoric and impressive portrayal has subtly revealed the duality of the relationship between man and Internet. The spider web undoubtedly serves as a symbol of Internet, both connecting people and isolating them from each other. On the one hand, there is no denying that Internet is currently one of the most efficient media used for interpersonal communication. As a college student, I get on line everyday to discuss news with other people on BBS, to study English by registering for web courses, to chat freely through e-mails with my friends. Being a veteran on-line shopper, I frequently bargain with sellers to purchase books at much lower prices. But on the other hand, a good many people admit that they are too much addicted to Internet to maintain face-to-face contact with their friends and colleagues. Cyber-living resembles the experience of seeing disguised people behind a mask, maintaining distance between one another. Once indulged in the fictitious world, people feel reluctant to approach others and to concentrate on real life. That's why some people have lost the skill of direct contact and get alienated from others.

  Therefore, it is necessary for us to use Internet in a reasonable way and restrain from addiction. After all,Internet is invented to connect you and me, and to bring conveniences to our life rather than set a barrier to keep people beyond reach.


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