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The Bike英语成人笑话

时间:2010-08-17来源:作文地带栏目:英语幽默笑话作者:笑话 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
The Bike A 13 year old boy came home all happy. His mom asked, what did you do at school today hunny? Oh i had sex with my teacher, he said calmly. The mother began to scream and yell and sent him to his room till his father got home. When the father came

The Bike

A 13 year old boy came home all happy.
His mom asked, "what did you do at school today hunny?"
"Oh i had sex with my teacher," he said calmly.
The mother began to scream and yell and sent him to his room till his father got home.
When the father came home the mother said distroutly and close to tears, "Go talk to your son...he had sex with his teacher today!!!!!!!!!"
The dad with the BIG grin on his face walked upstairs.
He asked his son what happened at school and the son told him.
The dad said, "son im so proud of u im going to get you that bike you have wanted."
They go out and buy the bike and the dad asked him if he wanted to ride it home and the son replied,
"Nah dad my bum is still sore."
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