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Summer Palace颐和园英语作文

时间:2010-08-26来源:作文地带栏目:高中英语作文作者:小学英语作文 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
One of the most famous parks to go to in Beijing is the Summer Palace. It is located in the western suburbs of Beijing. It is easy to go there by bus, by taxi of by bike. It is one of the most and biggest parks in Beijing.

  One of the most famous parks to go to in Beijing is the Summer Palace. It is located in the western suburbs of Beijing. It is easy to go there by bus, by taxi of by bike.

  It is one of the most and biggest parks in Beijing. There is beautiful Kumming Lake in the park. It is a man-made lake. In front of the lake, there is the 700-meter Long Corridor. Behind it is the Longevity Hill. There are some magnificent halls and beautiful gardens in the park.

  It takes at least half of the day to visit the park. You can go boating on the lake or go for a walk along the corridor or climb the hill and have a beautiful view from the top or look at the big halls or visit small gardens. The best time to visit the park is spring or autumn.

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