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时间:2011-09-30来源:网络资源栏目:Essay作者:网络资源 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
针对Transitional devices前后可以是段落,句子以及单词,我们分别举几个例子: *Among paragraphs: In the first place, human always like exploring the world around, especially mysterious fields Besides h

  针对Transitional devices前后可以是段落,句子以及单词,我们分别举几个例子:

  *Among paragraphs:

  In the first place, human always like exploring the world around, especially mysterious fields…………

  Besides human's curiosity, to explore dangerous fields draws them away from daily routine and boredom.……

  Finally, although these dangerous activities may not bring us any material reward, they bring forth a lot of psychological benefits.……

  这是一篇托福作文的三个中间段的topic sentence,可以看出三段分别论证了人类参加危险运动的三条理由(好奇心,找刺激以及精神的愉悦),彼此之间的并列关系,是通过In the first place, Besides,Finally这三个Transitional devices来体现的


  One reason for my fundamental a美国GREement with the speaker is that withholding some personal information is necessary to gain and maintain political leadership.……

  Another reason why I essentially a美国GREe with the speaker is that fully disclosing to the public certain types of information would threaten public safety and perhaps even national security.……

  Having recognized that withholding information from the public is often necessary to serve the interests of that public, legitimate political leadership nevertheless requires forthrightness with the citizenry as to the leader's motives and agenda.……

  上面是一篇美国GRE北美范文的三个中间段的topic sentences,可以发现,前两段之间是并列关系(one reason/another reason),而第三段和前两段之间就是转折关系(nevertheless)

  *Among sentences:

  Office workers' time is hardly enough for their own work. As a result, big companies lack necessary team spirit, rendering employees' emotional distance from each other.

  这两句话论证了为什么大公司缺乏必要的团队精神,员工之间感情淡漠,各自忙于工作是原因,缺乏team spirit是结果,所以前后两句话之间通过连接语As a result表明了因果逻辑关系。同样的,句子之间也有并列与转折关系:

  For example, foods in western world, such as cheese, jam and butter, are now becoming familiar and popular in China. By the same token, more and more products with Chinese style can be found in American markets.(并列)

  In the past, people may only obtain information from some traditional media, such as televisions, books, or newspapers. However, today people are able to receive the same material through computers.(转折)

  *Among words:

  Instead ofobtaining splendid grade in exams, students' main assignment is to perceive the way to search knowledge they want.

  这句话中的instead of 前后实际上是两个具有名词特性的短语,分词短语obtaining splendid grade in exams,和介词短语to perceive the way to search knowledge they want。这两部分之间具有转折关系,用Instead of来体现. 而用来表达单词中的并列和因果关系的连接语就是我们很常见的and还有because of,这个很简单就不举例子。

  在写作文章中充分合理地加入这种Transitional devices,就可以在很大程度上增加文章的连贯性,比如还是本文开头的那段话,稍加修改之后变成了:英语作文
