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I want to be a writer我想成为作家

时间:2010-01-21 00:52来源:英语作文网 作者:英语作文 投稿收藏:收藏本文
i want to be a writer this is the voice hidden deeply in the bottom of my heart. i want to be a writer. i want to contribute my thoughts and emotions to my life. i want to be a writer, as a free professional writer. i don't want to write for any int

i want to be a writer

this is the voice hidden deeply in the bottom of my heart.

i want to be a writer. i want to contribute my thoughts and emotions to my life.

i want to be a writer, as a free professional writer. i don't want to write for any interest or money drive. i just want to interest myself and enjoy the doing itself.

i want to be a writer, but my knowledge is limited, my horizon is not large enough. i know little about everything, which is the critical hurdle of becoming a writer. i have read some of the noted writers' masterpieces, and also have gained some emotional experience from the reading. how i wish i could adjurn one year to spend the whole year in reading and self-taught. how i wish i could have some talents in writing. how i wish i could be more decisive and take up any possible step to carry out what i thought. but....

things don't go up to my expectation all the time. they go against me. they go in a opposite way and never turn around.

i like those lonely thinkers, who always went into their own inside world to provoke the passion toward life or the ourside world. how i wish i could be to be among one of the members in their level. sound like a daydream, right? i am such a daydreamer.

actully, i have thought over the problem about how to be a writer.

here, i will share my stupid ideas with you.

the fisrt point is your determination. it is you who will decide everything. however, once you have made up your decision, you should make every effort to insist on it. and never change your mind so easily. moreover, you'd better learn to go on your own way, and never pay any attention to those remarks behind you which will hold you back. joozone.com

secondly, you should be a obverser and thinker.

since you are living in the colorful and changeable world, you should pay a great amount of attention to the people and thier life around you. you can be a participant or you can also just be a passer-by who will be watching everything happening. you may have cold and sharp eyes but never never turn your cold shoulders to the life. life is the resource of your creations. life is the base or fundation of your realm of works. life is your teacher teaching you how to perform and how to react and of couse how to write. and then if you are aware of the significance of life, then that means you have been a thinker. but there are also different levels of becoming a thinker. some thinkers are just thinking about their own business, while other thinkers are pronding the whole world including the inside as well as the outside. to be thinker is the way to have a deeper concept about life.

thirdly, you should be creative and try to find your inspiration. in the meantime, you should have the strong impulse to write, to document sth. in order to not let your good ideas float away, or drift away, you'd better take a small notebook with you at any time in case a good idea hits you. 

now, above all is all i can think of now. maybe, some time later, i will have something more and good to add to it. so tonight, i will stop here.

may it is not only a beautiful dream.

i want to be a writer. 

maybe i want to write somthing in english.

i like english,because i think it is the softest language on the world .and when you pronounce a sentence you can feel how soft you should .it can bring some feeling like warmth. i see the movie made by brithsh or the united states,i found that their words seem so soft. and especially a man with love become so warm and make you no fear.i really feel it is fantasi.
be a chinese ,i rarely see a man be warm ah--i mean  when he say something he do not give a loud voice and he does not be angery easily. my papa often shouts and that make me fearness. sometimes i wonder  if there was a man he will not shout to anyone,or if there was a man  he never shout to his wife or child. on the other hand, it is said if a man say words so softly maybe he got some dirts himself.mama say only the man who do something sorrow to his family ,he will be so soft like a little cat to them. joozone.com
i have no mind about it ,i am not able to  believe or not .i cannot recognize the truth.and i feel tired to life like this. sometime i wonder why  they make the life so complex ,why not they make it simple ? i can not give an answer ,i know men and women  are different ,and even papa and son are different .a good mama not means a good son or daughter,father too.
a strong daughter like a boy much effected by her father, a warm son much effected by his mother,maybe ,that is my theory.
i like english ,but i just like it ,nothing ,no further reason.why can not we just define something  the reason only  "i like it ". it is simple ,pure, and  i feel nice.

