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where are myself 英语作文college life

时间:2009-12-01来源:英语作文网栏目:大学英语作文作者:Biscuit与jmai合作 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Before i went to college,I was excting and hopeful.however, It is said that the college life is wonderful and happy. In fact. Do you know Iam fraid of the day? It is weekends .Because I feelthat I have nothing to do at first. I do not know how to ki

本文为英语作文网网友 Biscuit 原创,转载请注明作者,谢谢。
Before i went to college,I was excting and hopeful.however, It is said that the college life is wonderful and happy.
  In fact.  Do you know Iam afraid(由网友jmai提供修改) of  the day? It is weekends .Because I feelthat I have nothing to do at first.

 I do not know how to kill the two days.and sometimes I feel a little long .In a word .I miss my old  classmates, friends  and relations ,

I even want  to go home .
   Day to day .Now I  feel better , Because i find myself again in college  In weekends i can play basketball;talk with someone fishing and so on.It is interesting and good for my healty.

DO not be nerous :"we are friends"I believe that i can ***e ture my dream in college <you will never be the same >   。


该文写了一个学生从高中进入大学后的直接感想,很真实;从刚进大学时的无聊,无所事事,到后来逐渐适应这个校园,自己通过自己的方式来获取快乐,比如打篮球等等!Biscuit  我们所有人真为您能适应大学而高兴,希望您在大学期间有自己的生活,学到自己真正想学的东西,进了社会在学校学的点点滴滴都是很实用的!在这里,英语作文网谢谢您的投稿。


省略howerver It is said that the college life is wonderful and happy.这段


将I do not know how to kill the two days
修改为:I do not know how to spend these two days.

将It's three years since we left No. 1 High School.
修改为:It has been three years since we left No. 1 High School.

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