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时间:2010-08-12来源:英语学习栏目:日常英语作者:英语学习 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
Save money painlessly by negotiating discounts for monthly household expenses. OK, so you've already cut your monthly budget in an effort to build your savings. Daily lattes are gone, dinners out are rare, and perhaps you're saving money by working at hom

    Save money painlessly by negotiating discounts for monthly household expenses.

    OK, so you've already cut your monthly budget in an effort to build your savings. Daily lattes are gone, dinners out are rare, and perhaps you're saving money by working at home. What else can you do to cut your monthly household expenses?


    Cutting your monthly budget again doesn't mean trimming necessities; it means saving money on them. That might include trimming grocery costs and comparison shopping for items likes clothes and household goods.


    But when you save money on these purchases, each discount only happens once. To really maximize your savings, cut your recurring expenses, and let the savings add up.


    Review Your Monthly Budget Expenses


    We tend to think that the costs of goods and services only goes up, but, in fact, they sometimes goes down. Competition and new technology often bring down prices for services like cable, telephone and Internet--giving us an opportunity to cut monthly budget expenses painlessly. So consolidating your business at one company or signing up for bundled services also might mean a discount.


    But few companies advertise to existing customers that they have lowered their prices. You have to review these monthly household expenses periodically to be sure you are getting the best deal.


    Here's a list of 10 places to cut your monthly budget:




    Compare prices for auto, home, health, business and life insurance. Consolidating at one insurance company could lower your insurance costs. That might mean you'll need to take your business elsewhere to save money. But before you do, be sure you're getting all the discounts you deserve at your current company.

