小镇新闻 News In the Town
2016-03-18 18:27:37   来源:    双击单词自动翻译

小镇新闻 News In the Town
小镇新闻 News In the Town

In the town, the place is so small, so people can easily have access to the newest news. Latterly, it has been said that a big and weird fish was found in the lake. As the fish had the strange shape that people never seen before, so everyone wanted to have a look at it. The news caught many people’s attention, they came to the lake and wanted to see the strange fish. When they saw it, they laughed, it was just the ordinary fish with the big shape. But the one who spread the news just exaggerated the fact. News in the town can’t be trust, so we must figure it out. 

在小镇里,地方太小,所以人们可以很容易地获得最新的消息。近来,有人说,一条大的,奇怪的鱼在湖里被发现了。由于这条鱼有着人们从未见过的奇怪的形状, 所以每个人都想去看一看。这个消息引起了很多人的注意,他们来到湖边,想看到奇怪的鱼。当他们看见了,他们笑了,这只是普通的形状大的鱼。传播消息的人只 是夸大了事实。小镇里面的消息不可靠,所以我们必须弄清楚。

相关热词搜索:小镇  新闻  

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