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坚持就是胜利Success Belongs to the Persevering

时间:2010-11-29来源:JOOZONE.COM栏目:作者:Joozone.com 英语作文收藏:收藏本文
坚持就是胜利Success Belongs to the Persevering
坚持就是胜利Success Belongs to the Persevering

文章细节:Joozone.com 发表时间:2010-11-29

  nothing can be more exciting than success to a man. but you must face many difficulties before you can succeed.
  no one can make it easily. and it's harder for those who are in adverse conditions to succeed. however,everything has two sides. just as someone said, in every adversity there lies the seed of an advantage and in every defeat there is a lesson showing you how to win the victory next time. the most important forus is to establish a brief, that is perseverance.
  the british ex-prime minister winston churchill had a motto of "never, never, never, never give up . nothing can substitute for hard work. life is a process of struggle for success.

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