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The power of music音乐的力量(2)

The Power of Music Guitar music is a place where the elements of rhythm, tone, emotions, harmony,melody, poetry, preparation, solitude, friendship, intellect, physical training and spirituality all m

The Power of Music
Guitar music is a place where the elements of rhythm, tone, emotions, harmony,melody, poetry, preparation, solitude, friendship, intellect, physical training and spirituality all meet. It involves your spirit, you body, your heart and your mind, and it is both a solitary and a social act. It not only offers the player the pleasure of making music, but it also offers to the skilled the ability to actually change other people's thoughts and feelings.
Just by doing something that you love to do, you can impart profound things to others and give them somthing that they value. Those who discover that they have this ability, who feel obliged to develop it and who use it generously, will experience a reward comprising not only the satisfaction of the act itself, but also an abstract pleasure in sharing and communicating with others through the language of music. From Joozone.com.
There is energy, a sense of purpose and a direction that it imparts to its practitioners that can give a gratifying sense of meaning in what threatens to seem like a meaningless world.
Only through a lifetime of music will you experience an understanding of all the aspects of art, but a basic awareness and regular reminders of the existence of all these various ingredients that make up music will allow the student to progress more quickly toward a mastery of it. There is, as always, a price to pay, and there are responsibilities that come with having the power of change other's thoughts and fellings, and not all who set out on this learning path make it all the way through.
The essential element in the study of music is a love of music and an appreciation of its sacredness. The magic, that is, music comes from such a place inside us. And any beginner can experience these sensations just as easily as the master, if not more easily.

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