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时间:2010-04-02 03:51来源:英语作文网 作者:作文地带 投稿收藏:收藏本文
现如今学校乃至整个社会越来越重视感恩教育.这种心怀感恩的风气环绕着我们.为我们更好的做人打下了坚实的基础. 作文地带提示:更多内容请继续往下看。

Joozone Editor's Note:本文每一段英文下方都附作文地带原创中文翻译,希望对您阅读有所帮助。
At present time , Thanksgiving education is becoming more and more important.The school and the society is pay more attention about it .It's good atmosphere to be a better man which will lay a solid foundation for us .


It's very important for us have a thankful heart, because at present time,the children are at the center of the family,they only care about themselve,no one esle.Let them learn "Thanksgiving", is let them to learn how to respect others.Learn to be grateful to let children with equal view of each life,respect each ordinary ordinary labor and  respect yourself. Only the people who know how to be grateful, his life will be less of complain. From Joozone.com.


So first  we should do the thing with our heart.second,Thanksgiving education should put into practise .you should learn how to do it ,and come back to the real life.I am going to start Bit by bit from the start.to be a man which will make great contribution to the society.


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