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the narrator crashes崩溃的陈述

the narrator crashes in the desert a rent house in shanghai nd makes the acquaintance of the little prince.

the narrator crashes
in the desert and makes the acquaintance of the little prince
So I lived my life alone without anyone that I could really talk to until I had an accident with my plane in the Desert of Sahara six years ago. Something was broken in my engine And as I had with me neither a mechanic nor any passengers I set myself to attempt the difficult repairs all alone.
It was a question of life or death for me: I had scarcely enough drinking water to last a week. a thousand miles from any human habitation.
I was more isolated than a shipwrecked sailor on a raft in the middle of the ocean. Thus you can imagine my amazement when I was awakened by an odd little voice. It said: If you please--draw me a sheep! Draw me a sheep! I jumped to my feet completely thunderstruck.
I blinked my eyes hard. I looked carefully all around me. And I saw a most extraordinary small person who stood there examining me with great seriousness. Here you may see the best potrait that I was able to make of him. But my drawing is certainly very much less charming than its model.

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